The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Paper Chain Craft
Newspaper Blackout Poetry

The Incredible Book Eating Boy: Mixed Media


Publisher: Philomel Books ISBN: 978-0399247491

This half term, our class are appreciating the work of various children's picture book illustrators and attempting to recreate their techniques. Here is our first project, focusing on the work of Oliver Jeffers in The Incredible Book Eating Boy masterpiece!

This book was one of our first choices because Oliver grew up in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and I think that it's so important for the children to identify with local success stories. Also, Oliver uses mixed media in his illustrations and this is an area that we really needed to develop. We started off with photocopied pages from our favourite novels. Using sepia based watercolours, we aged the paper then tore off strips around the edges.

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Then the children drew their illustrations directly onto the dried paper, some chose to use oils, acrylics, charcoal etc. Whatever they wanted really!


Going over the outline of the drawing with a black fine liner proved very effective. Finally the children raided my stash of collage papers and added some distinct finishing touches.




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Hi! Just found your website, and love your ideas! Have not heard of Oliver Jeffers before, but loved the little video and will definitely look into getting a couple of his books.

Keep up the lovely work, learning parade!


Oh wow! Such great little artists! My kids still just scribble on everything and eat the crayons (They are 1 and 2 yrs old) but I hope someday to get to this point.


Oh fun! I love how these turned out!

maggy, red ted art

Oh Wow!!! We have done some oliver jeffers inspired crafts, but yours is BRILLIANT!! It came out like a proper piece of art. I love love love!!! Clever you and clever kids!

(PS if you like Link ups, I have a craft one every Wednesday -

Miami lasik surgery

Interesting, but children should read the novels first and than cut them and be inspired by the story of the novel to create something :)


Hello Corry and Heleen,
I'm so glad that you enjoyed your visit! :)

dutch sisters

Love your blog, and I'm so happy to have found it!

Melissa Taylor

wow - I might actually be able to make this and I am totally not artistic. We love this book and will be attempting this project. Thanks for the direction. I just tweeted it and subscribed. :)


Hi Susan, I can't wait to have a look at your suggestions, thanks so much! :)

Book Chook

Your children are such great artists! I love their work. An illustrator I would like to recommend is Jeannie Baker. Her latest book, Mirror, is a true masterpiece in my opinion. I think the kids will love to examine her techniques and try for themselves. Also, take a look at Ellie Sandall's Birdsong (UK writer/illustrator.)


What a great art project! I bet the kids loved creating these. I like to do children's book inspired projects too. Most recently we used the book "Armadillo Ray". It has wonderful, vibrant oil pastel illustrations. Can't wait to see more of your "book eating children" collages!

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