Hiccup The Viking: Art Activity
The Incredible Book Eating Boy: Mixed Media

The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Paper Chain Craft

Here is a free download for creating a story sequence chain based on what Eric Carle's very hungry caterpillar ate on Saturday. (You know, before the stomachache!)


Simply print out the PDF on white card, colour the food items and cut around the dotted lines. We had fine-motor fun creating holes in the food with a single-hole punch and then we used a scrap of wool (yarn) for threading. There are ten items here for ordering, so you could leave the picture book open for support, or perhaps reduce the number of food items :) 


Talking and Listening: Some Extension Ideas

Categorising: The food can be used to prompt some interesting discussions about healthy eating. Your children could quickly sort the food items into healthy / not healthy before ordering.

Word Retrieval: Play a thinking game. Describe one of the foods and let your child make a guess about your "secret" food. Or use a rhyming prompt. "My food rhymes with tickle"

We played 'Kim's Game' to boost visual memory skills with these too- and it went down so well!



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Would it be possible for you to post a colored version of the things the caterpillar ate?



I love the very hungry caterpillar. I've just featured the book over on my blog - www.whatdoyoubuy.co.uk. I hope it's ok I've added a link from my article to here as this is such a lovely idea.

Used Cat Equipment

amazing work... thanks for sharing..


I like idea l'idée est bonne merci du partage :)


Thank you for this pdf. I am using it for a sample lesson plan in my education class! :)


Thank you for this great idea! Can't wait to do this fun project with my students next week. :)

Erin @ Small Types

Fun idea! Although he's a bit young for this, my toddler is into this book so much right now, he might even enjoy coloring the caterpillar food!


Carly, these are great! Perfect for a rainy day!

maggy, red ted art

Oooh what a lovely pdf and activity!! Fabulous! We love the hungry caterpillar and are yet to get crafty with him!


Book Chook

You have lots of ideas for using this resource here Carly! Another little idea of mine would be to remove one item from a group and see if kids can tell which one is missing (or is that Kim's game??? sorry if so) or to not only remove it but hide it and play warmer/colder to find it.


Hey Karin,
So glad you like the pack! The c and s sheet is a simple cut and stick activity - just think of the initial sound for each picture, then sort the images! :) Have fun!



I just downloaded the resources - I may be a dolt but the first page of worksheets with the 'c' and 's' boxes - what do we do with that one?

Other than that - package looks great!
- K.


I had to put this on my facebook for my fans today!

hugs! Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
party inspiration


Just downloaded The Very Hungry Caterpillar resources - they are wonderful!

 Medical Advice

its so fun and cute card ill make that..


We love this book, and I have just downloaded your PDF (thank you very much) which I am sure we shall have great fun putting together. Top work.


thank you so much for sharing, how cute!

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